Tuesday 15 July 2014


Method for wet fry spicy Beef
1. Boil the beef until it's tender
2. Fry onions, garlic and tomatoes.
3. Stir in black pepper, curry powder, green chilli and tomat paste to thicken it.
4. Add in your preboiled beef and let it simmer before removing from the fire.

Method for mukimo
1. Boil a mixture of green maize and potatoes until they are soft.
2. Before removing it from the fire, add in spinach and let it cook briefly before mashing them all together.
3. In a separate pan, fry onions in butter and add in maggi cubes.
4. Add your the mashed mukimo and stir it throughly.
5. Serve while hot with your wet fry spicy beef and steamed cabbage.

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