Wednesday 30 July 2014


- 1 Cup milk
- 1 Tbspn butter
- 1 Tbspn sugar
- 1/4 Cup warm water
- 21/2 Cup wheat flour
- Yeast 1 Tbspn
- Salt 1 tbspn
- 1 Cup cold butter (second amount)
1. Combine milk, the first amount of butter, sugar and salt in a pan and boil the mixture.
2. Remove from the heat and cool it at room temperature.
3. While the mixture is cooling, dissolve the yeast into the water and add it to the milk.
4. Add flour into the mixture and put it into a mixer and mix it until the dough is elastic but not sticky.
5. Place it into a bowl and let it rise until it's double it's size for about 11/2 hours.
6. Place it in the fridge and let it chill for at least 30 minutes.
7. While the dough is chilling, soften the remain in butter by pounding it with a rolling pin.
8. Roll out the dough and put into the fridge for 2 hours.
9. When it is chilled, remove from the fridge and repeat the folding and turning twice.
10. Roll the dough into 1/4 inch thickness then cut it into 3 inch squares.
11. Cut the base to form 2 triangles then roll each triangle, starting with the wide side and shape it into a croissant.
12. Place them in a baking tray and let the double in size.
13. Chill them in the fridge for 30minutes before baking them for 15minutes at 350 degrees.

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